Fake SSH server for confusing spammers, because we all know security through obscurity rocks.

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FakeSSH is an SSH server which denies all login requests sent its way. It's the result of literally minutes of work.

Move your real SSH server to a different port, then run the FakeSSH server.


In a sense, FakeSSH is based on the idea that security through obscurity is kind of like adding a single bit to your security, the value of which is widely known. It might actually prevent a targeted attack by an unskilled attacker.

Mostly, though, I just like the idea that someone is wasting time trying to log into a server which will literally never let them in.



  1. Create an RSA key using ssh_keygen. Save it to data/rsa.
  2. Copy data/config.sample.json to data/config.json
  3. Edit if desired.
  4. Run server.py with python.

If you're on Ubuntu, you could create an upstart script at /etc/init/fakessh.conf:

# fakessh
description "A fake SSH server"
author "Tyler Menezes <tylermenezes@gmail.com>"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec python /opt/fakessh/server.py


If you enable logging, you can run python stats.py to get statistics about login attempts. --today will get you the count today, and --hist will produce a graph of the last week. (You can use them both together.)

Edited by thrifus

Edits are clearly marked in everything modified, and those modifications are all that I should receive credit for. Everything else is Tyler Menezes.